Thursday, August 23, 2018 by JD Heyes
The more she is exposed to public scrutiny, the more we learn about “Democratic Socialist” candidate for Congress in New York Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s faux revolutionary bona fides.
Such as the fact that she’s bought-and-paid-for, more or less, by a far more well-known fake socialist, the billionaire George Soros.
As reported by Mac Slavo at SHTFPlan.com, Soros’ growing media network helped ensure Ocasio-Cortez’s primary win over a 10-term Democrat, Rep. Joe Crowley, who is certainly no Right-wing extremist in his own right.
So, it turns out our little Communist revolutionary put her economics degree to good use after all: She hooked up with money to get elected. Why is it that all socialist and Communist leaders are wealthy or well-to-do, but their people are always poor and struggling?
Anyway, The Daily Caller noted further that Soros, who has spent hundreds of millions of dollars in just the past decade or so attempting to get far-Left anti-libertarians in power in the U.S. and abroad, is trying to place a super-majority – 400 – Sen. Bernie Sanders-type socialists in the U.S. Congress, and backing Ocasio-Cortez was part of that effort:
A former organizer for Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign, Ocasio-Cortez’s under-dog win in the Democratic primary was undoubtedly helped by online actors.
The New York Times writes that she was able to defeat her opponent, who greatly outspent her, due to her online presence. In an interview with progressive digital media outlet “The Young Turks,” a member of a Soros-funded network of far-left publications called The Media Consortium, Ocasio-Cortez also admits that their coverage helped her win.
The DC noted further that Soros-funded digital media approached Ocasio-Cortez and urged her to run for office, despite a dearth of experience. But by backing her, she received non-stop favorable coverage that buried her extremist beliefs by a media network that reaches nearly 300 million people every month. (Related: Left-wing socialist Ocasio-Cortez goes “full WTF” trying to explain how government will fund socialized medicine for all.)
Not all the media actors in Soros’ circle are ‘acceptable’ to the gaggle. Far-Left kook Cenk Uygur of “The Young Turks” digital show founded one of two political organizations that asked Ocasio-Cortez to run, Justice Democrats – which is also committed to getting Bernie Sanders clones (in ideology, anyway) inside the halls of power.
However, the former denier of Armenian genocide who is of Turkish descent was banished from the organization after previously-made sexist comments about women surfaced (a killer in the #MeToo era).
“I wouldn’t be running if it wasn’t for the support of Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress,” Ocasio-Cortez told Uygur in June as he fawned all over her in an interview on his YouTube channel (because Left-wing YouTube doesn’t ban progressive hate). “In fact, it was, it was JD (Justice Democrats) and it was Brand New Congress that asked me to run in the first place.”
In terms of Soros’ digital and traditional media reach, it’s massive: The Media Research Center claims that more than 300 million people a month are influenced [brainwashed?] by media he funds and finances:
Just counting 13 prominent operations of the 180 media organizations he has funded equals 332 million people each month. Included in that total are big players like NPR, which received $1.8 million from Soros, as well as the little known Project Syndicate and Public News Service, both of which also claim to reach millions of readers.
Mind you, Soros’ media empire (which he denies he has despite loads of evidence to the contrary) didn’t back Ocasio-Cortez’s candidacy because she’s smart or well-versed in policy. She can barely explain herself and even then if her brand of socialism is ever implemented it will break the U.S. like it’s broken Cuba and Venezuela.
He backed her because she is pushing his anti-libertarian agenda.
Soros is a destroyer of freedom, not a supporter of it.
Read more about George Soros’ meddling in American politics at Soros.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Alt-Left, anti-America, brainwashing, Congress, digital media empire, elections, George Soros, Influence, left cult, Left-wing, propaganda, radical left, socialism, socialists