Friday, April 06, 2018 by News Editors
The U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in 2016 sent $9 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to a Soros-backed group which used the money to fund far-left political activities in Albania, newly released documents show.
(Article by Debra Heine republished from PJMedia.com)
According to Judicial Watch, which obtained the 32 pages of records through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the American tax dollars were used to help the country’s socialist government push for highly controversial judicial “reform.” The records also provide insight into how the Soros operation “helped the State Department review grant applications from other groups for taxpayer funding.”
The new documents show that USAID funds were funneled through that agency’s Civil Society Project to back Soros’s left-wing Open Society Foundations in Albania, particularly the Soros operation efforts to give the socialist government greater control of the judiciary. USAIDreportedly gave $9 million in 2016 to the “Justice for All” campaign, which is overseen by Soros’s “East West Management Institute.”
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that the Soros operation used taxpayer dollars to support the “Socialist/Communist government” of Albania.
Important Judicial Watch obtained docs revealing the Obama Admin sent U.S. taxpayer funds overseas to a group backed by billionaire George Soros – which used the money to fund left-wing political activities benefiting the socialist government in Albania.https://t.co/K7Vhffovum
— Judicial Watch 🔎 (@JudicialWatch) April 5, 2018
Fitton said that the Soros group sponsored a survey to measure Albanian citizens’ knowledge, support, and expectations on justice reform and the results showed 91 percent support for the Soros operation’s position on the need for judicial reform — which would have restricted the independence of the judiciary.
“Now, like all strongman governments, they don’t like independent judiciaries, so they were trying to reform the judiciary in a way that would have brought it under the control of the Socialist government there,” Fitton explained.
The poll reportedly didn’t specify what type of “reform” the Soros group had in mind.
Read more at: PJMedia.com or Soros.news.
Tagged Under: Tags: albania, biased, communist, corruption, deception, department of state, disinfo, evil, George Soros, government, lawsuit, left cult, lies, Obama, politics, propaganda, scam, Socialist, Soros, taxpayer funds, Tyranny, tyrant