Thursday, October 26, 2017 by Robert Jonathan
The tolerant, inclusive, free-speech-loving left lived up to its stellar reputation yet again this past spring during the People’s Climate March in Washington, D.C.
Actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio, who is fond of traveling by private jet and luxury yacht, was one of the thousands of people in attendance. Marchers apparently left a pile of environmentally unfriendly garbage behind. This comes in sharp contrast to Tea Party groups, for example, who often left their venues cleaner than when they arrived.
#ClimateMarch Completely Trashes DC pic.twitter.com/kklOH4YSjc
— Angry GoT Jack (@JackPosobiec) April 29, 2017
A George Soros-funded, anti-Trump event, organizers reportedly gave climate skeptics the runaround in the issuance of media credentials and denied entry to a billboard truck containing banners questioning man-made climate change. Marchers even allegedly challenged the driver to fisticuffs, Climate Depot claimed.
A banner held by members of the Committee For a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) organization that read “Climate Science is Not Settled” particularly angered the marchers, Climate Depot added.
Many marchers either blocked the sign, harassed the people holding it or ran into it with their bodies, all in an attempt to silence any skeptical message. Many marchers grabbed the banner and tried to take it down to the ground and physically stood in front of it to prevent anyone from reading the message. CFACT expected that bringing skeptical signs to the march would provoke discussion, but it instead provoked outright hostility.
See video clip below.
Former U.S. Senate staffer Marc Morano of Climate Depot recalled how interview opportunities in the media area fell through once he was outed as a climate skeptic. Morano says he even encountered a volunteer in the hospitality tent who initially withheld something as mundane as the cream for his coffee when another volunteer accused him of being a so-called climate denier.
The climate change movement, with its cultish overtones, typically serves as a proxy for a socialist, progressive political agenda. As Natural News recently explained, there is an ongoing effort through a propaganda campaign in this country to do away with America’s capitalist economic system in the name of “saving the planet.” For full-throated believers in man-made climate change, the solution is always some form of onerous government regulation such as a carbon tax and/or other job-killing measures. The country and the world would be far better off separating politics from science.
Health Ranger Mike Adams, the founder of Natural News, has detailed that the oft-repeated claim that 97 percent of scientists agree that man-made climate change is settled science — as if science is ever settled — is a bunch of hot air. (Related: Read more about global warming fakery at ClimateScienceNews.com.)
After protesting evil corporate greed everyone from #ClimateMarch is now at Starbucks, CVS, and McDonalds staring at their iPhones pic.twitter.com/GvvyMYrYpM
— Angry GoT Jack (@JackPosobiec) April 29, 2017
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Tagged Under: Tags: Alt-Left, Censorship, climate alarmists, climate change, climate march, environment, George Soros, global warming, hostile activists, hypocrisy, science