Thursday, February 09, 2017 by Ethan Huff
A battle cry has been issued against our new president by arguably the world’s most evil villain: billionaire financier George Soros. At a recent meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Soros told a crowd of wealthy politicians and corporate heads that he plans to “take down President Trump” in order to usher in a “financial armageddon” that fits his plans for a New World Order.
One of the big backers of failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Soros has been on a mission to destroy Trump since long before he was elected president. But after losing nearly $1 billion in the stock market, which made a big rally after Trump’s victory, Soros is more determined than ever to stop the agenda of President Trump, which in large part involves rolling back globalism and bringing jobs back to the United States.
Reports indicate that Soros instructed many of the top dogs of various large, multinational corporations who attended the meeting to immediately stop doing business in the U.S. until President Trump’s agenda is halted. If these companies continue to do business in the U.S., Soros warned, they will most certainly face serious consequences, economic and otherwise.
“I’d keep as far away from it as I can,” Soros stated in cryptic fashion to his audience of listeners. (RELATED: Follow the happenings of Donald Trump’s presidency at Trump.news)
In Soros’ view, all of the promises President Trump is making, from his pledges to cut taxes and reduce regulations to bringing outsourced jobs back to the states, are not going to happen. Even if they appear to at first, he claims, it will not be long before they all fail. Within 24 hours of Trump taking office, Soros stated, “reality will prevail.”
Soros has hardly been shy in making his views known about President Trump. The Jewish Nazi collaborator is on the record as having called the president a dictator, for instance, adding that the president “won’t be able to get away with” some of the things he is doing to upset the plans of the globalist cabal.
Soros’ fury has been so pronounced over the past several months that Wall Street analysts actually likened him to a “wounded beast” that is “hell bent on revenge,” presumably a reference to the biblical prophecies of the Book of Revelation. In the meantime, many observers, including many conservative Republicans, are wondering what other nefarious tricks Soros might have hiding up his sleeve.
One idea is the financial armageddon and the “unleashing of hell” that some media sources claim Soros is hatching as a Plan B. Again making reference to biblical prophecy, the plan, some say, is for Soros to crash the world financial markets in order to create chaos. This act would put the U.S. on the brink of financial ruin, and in the midst of that, the phoenix will rise and usher in a New World Order.
Whether or not this actually happens remains to be seen, and only time will tell. But it is certain that the globalists do not plan to give up without a fight. And the fight they have planned could result in some major tumult for our country and for much of the rest of the world, which is directly affected by market and financial volatility here in the states.
“The way Soros broke the Bank of England and ruined the Malaysian economy, these will one day just be seen as warm ups for his full scale tilt at global financial armageddon,” a Wall Street analyst is quoted as saying.
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Tagged Under: Tags: conspiracy, George Soros, Trump