Tuesday, January 31, 2017 by D. Samuelson
George Soros has been manipulating economic markets, funding revolutions, and promoting multicultural societies for many years. His billions from investing are strategically placed in hundreds of philanthropic and social engineering non-governmental organizations (NGOs) via his Open Society Foundation (OSF), founded in 1993 and operating in every continent throughout the world. Under the guise of a desire to build “tolerant societies” and “initiatives that advance justice,” Soros and his globalist minions are more interested in a borderless one world global village and using covert operations to destabilize nations. Last year Vladimir Putin banned Soros from Russia, as reported by Usdefensewatch.com, stating that Soros was a threat to Russian national security. ” (See more news on George Soros at Soros.news)
Russia is not alone is recognizing the threat. According to Anonymous, Hungary has decided to “crack down” and “sweep out” the Soros initiated NGOs that are accused of serving “global capitalists and back political correctness over national governments.” This is not the first time that Viktor Orban, the Hungarian Prime Minister, has taken on the globalist machinery.
In 2014, Hungary demanded audits of Norway’s NGOs that were operating in their nation, accusing them of being paid operatives for foreign interests. Hungary has also taken a bold stance against the enormous biotech, chemical, and agricultural giants by banning the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food, feed, and seeds. Additionally, Truactivist.com reports that in the the fall of 2016, after Hungary made an early payoff of their $26 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), they kicked the IMF out of Budapest.
The OSF, which has over sixty different NGOs operating in Hungary, has said it has no intention of stopping its work, despite the push-back against the Soros run organization. There is little doubt that the Trump victory – and the defeat of globalist Hillary Clinton, whom Soros whole-heartedly embraced, is a strong impetus in Hungary’s demand to regain freedom and national sovereignty. According to Journal-neo.org, Soros gave the Clinton coffers “tens of millions of dollars trying to elect” her. After Clinton’s loss, Soros lost nearly a billion dollars shorting the markets – believing that stocks would drop dramatically – but he is still spending plenty of money to disrupt the leadership of sovereign nations, including the United States and President Trump.
At the most recent meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, as reported by CNBC.com, Soros called President Trump a “would-be dictator who is going to fail,” but that failure wouldn’t be “because of people like me who want him to fail.” Soros believes that the new President will fail due of his “self-contradictory” ideas.
In the meantime, you can bet that Soros will keep funding anti-Trump NGOs, activities, and protests. He’s already had a big hand in the Women’s March on Washington, which took place the day after Trump’s inauguration. Nylive.com reports that Soros had funding “ties to more than 50 partners” who helped organize the march. These included Planned Parenthood, National Resources Defense Council, MoveOn.org, the National Action Network, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the ACLU, and Center for Constitutional Rights, among others.
CBS reporter Steve Kroft interviewed George Soros in 1998, and that interview is a fascinating look at the mind of a man who has no shame or remorse in his actions.
It’s clear that Soros is not going to stop fomenting divisions in the U.S. and beyond. Having an emergency organic food supply becomes more critical every day.
Tagged Under: Tags: Anonymous, George Soros, globalist crackdown, Hungary to kick out Soros NGOs, Trump Vs. Soros, Viktor Orban